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Namak - Zaike - Ka - Safar

Taste The Spirit Of The Progressive India

Namak - Indian specialty Discover the essence of culinary fusion at "Namak - Zaike-Ka-Safar". Celebrating India's rich gastronomic legacy alongside modern culinary creativity, our diverse menu caters to the evolving palates of our esteemed guests. . showcasing the vibrant spectrum of India's culinary heritage Step through our majestic, pillar-laden entrance into a space of royal grandeur. Our finely detailed wallpapers and intricately designed interiors contribute to a dining environment that exudes sophistication and comfort.

Embark on this exciting gastronomic journey and experience the charm of our new setting and the renewed spirit of Namak, designed to enhance your dining journey. Join us, as we traverse a flavourful path of innovation and tradition.

Lunch: 12:30 PM To 03:00 PM
Dinner: 07:00 PM To 12:00 AM


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